Thursday, August 30, 2007


Finally FREEDOM, after wks n wks of hardworking doing proj/exams finally everything is over. Time to enjoy my holis..hehe
But hopefully can find some jobs to do or else at home rot.. so those gt lobang give me a call or something..hahaha

Thursday, August 23, 2007


So long long long long never touch my blog le. Been busy studying for exams recently..haha
Just had my OOAD paper today.. whoa!! i think i am dead quite alot of qns dunno how to do and AND those i do i aso dunno correct or wrong*pray very hard its correct*!! Anyway now 2 down 1 more paper to go... weeeee*dance ard* Just finish watching simpsons the movie, the yellow people are damn crappy and funny haha.. spider pig spider pig..

Saturday, August 4, 2007


Found some funny & cool pics to share:

^ iron head!!

^ so 'romantic' huh..

^ lunch time for the crocs!!

^ he got GUTS!!

^ being short may nt be a disadvantage

^ can u differentiate??

^ Merry Chirstmas.. ho ho ho

^ a new car brand?

^ qy will loves this

^ and this!!

^ what a nice bed huh...

^ peace..

^ Love is Beautiful.